
Review of The Cosmic Computer

The true and enduring value of this book is that it gives curious and intelligent readers a severe jolt, makes them sit bolt upright and question all that they have previously understood and taken for granted as perceived wisdom.

The beauty to be found within these pages lies in the imaginative way in which Timms has approached his research. Whilst the reader might not agree with some of his individual claims and propositions, there is a great deal here for the reader to learn from how he has approached the problems that he has tackled. Of all the many threads he is trying to pull together, there are some that the reader might dismiss but there are also many threads that lead to a tangle we all know exists but have yet to understand. This book opens a door that allows the reader to start to untangle those threads.

One can argue that Timms blend of mathematics, science and a diverse range other subjects displays more interdisciplinary dexterity than that of much of today’s mainstream scientific community.  For that he is to be congratulated.

Having spent my entire career working with students in schools around the world and for 25 years as a Head and schools inspector, this is a book that I would recommend to all students who are engaged in critical thinking outside the box and who seek a better understanding of both themselves and the universe in which they live. As such it is a book I would encourage every school and every university to have several copies of in its library and I, myself, would make it required reading for many applying for university.

Jon Siviter MA (Oxon) (and until retirement C.Phys. F.Inst.P.)

A stupendous book. Bold, deep, fresh, and engagingly written. A  universal Now, Gravity acts instantaneously at a distance. Lorentz relativity. Timms is really taking an axe to received wisdom in physics! It’s stimulating, and enjoyable, to have one’s ideas given a good shake-up.”
Basil Mahon, Author of The Man Who Changed Everything