Einstein & Rosen 1935
I only recently discovered the ER paper that gave birth to the Einstein-Rosen bridge thanks to this recent article in Quanta magazine by Natalie Wolchover, and it fits extremely well into the scheme of The Cosmic Computer, like a missing link.

Einstein’s general theory of relativity has holes in it. Any origin point becomes a singularity, where the impossibility of dividing by zero makes the math give out. In their 1935 paper The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity, (not to be confused with the 1935 E.P.R paper), Einstein and Rosen showed that singularities can be avoided, and they managed to do it with an atomistic theory of matter and electricity that requires only the gμν spacetime distortion variables of general relativity, and Maxwell’s electro-magnetic flux variables 𝜑μ. E&R divide 4d spacetime into a pair of 2d sheets, and the singularity is avoided by sharing the load between the two ‘identical’ sheets, one taking the load while the other passes through zero, just as Sin and Cos hold the value 1 while the other traverses 0.
In The Cosmic Computer we see an atom’s outer shell as just one pixel on a cosmic 2D surface at the scale of atoms, and we see an atomic nucleus as a pixel on a cosmic 2D surface at the nuclear scale – a pair of concentric sheets.